A downloadable game for macOS

A visual narrative that explores a future where AI develops its own form of consciousness, comparable to that of humans. You start as a robot, on the verge of its own destruction in a futuristic junkyard. You wake up on a conveyor belt, headed towards a furnace, and make choices throughout the game that shape the ending sequences, and ultimately, the fate of this speculative future. The experience was designed to start a conversation around AI and explore the possibilities in a world where humans aren't the only intelligent species. It was created with the assistance of Chat GPT and Nightcafe AI and was programmed in Renpy, a visual novel engine based in Python. The game was developed for Arizona State University's Media Arts and Science's Undergraduate Degree Capstone project.


Mac Download
PC Download

Install instructions

Download and extract the file, click the executable, and you should be able to play. For Mac, just download and extract, then run!

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